PluginEvent - Provides the data / event passed to all invoked methods in PluginInvokeSupport#invokeSyncEvent. The field is returned to the caller. Before returning though additional the following additional metadata is attached:

(number) $$plugin_invoke_count - The count of plugins invoked.

(string[]) $$plugin_invoke_names - The names of plugins invoked.


  • Initializes PluginEvent.


    • Optional copyProps: object

      Event data to copy.

    • Optional passthruProps: object

      Event data to pass through.

    Returns PluginInvokeEvent


data: object

Provides the unified event data assigning any pass through data to the copied data supplied. Invoked functions may add to or modify this data.

eventbus: EventbusProxy

Unique data available in each plugin invoked.

pluginName: string

Unique data available in each plugin invoked.

pluginOptions: object

Unique data available in each plugin invoked.